
2024 Asian American Voter Survey

July 10, 2024

Advancing Justice - AAJC, APIAVote, AAPI Data, and AARP released the findings from their bi-annual Asian American Voter Survey

Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC, Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote)AAPI Data, and AARP released the findings from their bi-annual Asian American Voter Survey, the longest-running survey of Asian American voters. 

Watch the video.

Since 2012, this comprehensive, multilingual survey has revealed what issues matter most to this fastest growing part of the electorate and how those issues are consequential to their voting decisions.  

  • 90% of Asian American voters say they plan to vote for President, Congress and other offices this November. A further 68% say that they are absolutely certain they will vote.
  • 42% of Asian American voters say they have not been contacted by either the Democratic or Republican parties or candidates, including 50% who say they have not been contacted by the Democratic Party and 57% who say they have not been contacted by the Republican Party.
  • Among the most important issues for Asian American voters include jobs and the economy (86% say “extremely” or “very” important), inflation (85%), healthcare (85%), crime (80%), education (80%), Social Security and Medicare (79%), cost of housing (78%), national security (77%), gun control (73%), and immigration (71%). 
  • Over a two-thirds majority (68%) of Asian American voters reported worrying about hate crimes, harassment, and discrimination “sometimes” (38%), “somewhat often” (17%), or “very often” (13%).