Advancing Justice – AAJC and Hollaback! Provide Bystander Intervention Training in Chinese for Free

Free Chinese bilingual Bystander Intervention Training, empowering community members to be super allies
For Immediate Release
Michelle Boykins (202) 296-2300, ext. 0144
Yuhuan Song (202) 230-4153

[Washington, D.C.]Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC (Advancing Justice – AAJC) and Hollaback! offer bilingual Bystander Intervention Training – Stop Anti-Asian and Asian American and Xenophobic Harassment in Chinese. The free training will take place on January 31 at 3pm Hawaii / 4pm Alaska / 5pm Pacific / 6pm Mountain / 7pm Central / 8pm Eastern. The trainers will be using bilingual slides in Chinese and English with simultaneous interpretations in Mandarin and Cantonese via Zoom. To access the training, please register here.

“We have witnessed a lot of anti-Chinese sentiment in anti-Asian hate,” said Marita Etcubañez, Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives at Advancing Justice – AAJC. “COVID-19 hate crimes and incidents disproportionately impact Chinese Americans. They are eager for training that can give them practical, actionable tactics to intervene when they see or experience harassment. We are proud to equip them with these skills and expand our trainings in Chinese so that people who prefer resources in Cantonese and Mandarin can learn these useful intervention steps.”

According to Stop AAPI Hate in its National Report Through September 2021, Chinese report the most hate incidents (42.7%) of all Asian American and Pacific Islander ethnic groups.

Advancing Justice – AAJC and Hollaback! offer trainings in a total of six Asian languages – Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin), Korean, Hindi, Tagalog, Thai, and Vietnamese. The two partners launched their first free bystander intervention training to address anti-Asian hate in April 2020, and since then, they have reached more than 120,000 people. The training is not only popular, but also effective. According to Hollaback!’s post-training evaluation, 98.8% of those trained reported that because of the training, they were able to recognize and intervene when harassment occurred. Of all people who reported witnessing harassment after completing the training, 75% reported intervening, a best practice in reducing trauma and de-escalating violence.

“It is a privilege and a testimony to our collective commitment to the Asian American community that we are able to expand and offer these culturally competent, useful trainings in more Asian languages,” said Dax Valdes, Senior Trainer with Hollaback!. "We always look for ways to make our sessions more accessible, so we can reach more community members who may be wondering what to do when they see someone else getting harassed, on public transportation or at the grocery store, for example. Offering these trainings in Asian languages is a crucial step in meeting communities where they are.”

Click here to register for the January 31 training. More trainings in Asian languages can be found here. More training sessions will be added in the upcoming months.


Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC’s mission is to advance the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and to build and promote a fair and equitable society for all.

Hollaback!’s mission is to end harassment in all its forms by transforming the culture that perpetuates harassment and discrimination. We carry out this mission by building the power of everyday people to create safe and welcoming environments for all.





Michelle Boykins, 亚裔推进正义协会——AAJC, (202)296-2300, 分机号0144, 

Yuhuan Song (宋余环), 亚裔推进正义协会——AAJC, (202)924-0891,



“我们在反亚裔仇视中看到了许多反华情绪,”亚裔推进正义协会——AAJC战略计划高级总监Marita Etcubañez表示,“新冠肺炎仇恨犯罪及仇恨事件不成比例地影响到在美华人。人们渴望学习有实践意义的策略,从而能在目睹或者亲身经历骚扰的时候知道如何处理。我们对于我们提供的培训感到荣幸。这些培训可以教在美华裔非常重要的干预技巧。同时,我们提供粤语和普通话同声传译也有助于那些偏好中文资源的人进行培训。”



“我们将这项有用的、具有文化敏感性的培训延伸到更多亚洲语言,是我们对亚裔的共同诚意的见证,也是一种殊荣,”Hollaback!高级培训师Dax Valdes表示,“我们一直在寻找能让亚裔群体更方便参与培训的方法,这样我们才能跟更多的人建立联系。这些人可能在想,在菜市场或者公共交通上看到别人被骚扰时,应该怎么做。我们用亚洲语言进行培训,恰恰是从社区的角度来满足社区的需求。”









Michelle Boykins, 亞裔推進正義協會——AAJC, (202)296-2300, 分機號0144,   

Yuhuan Song (宋餘環), 亞裔推進正義協會——AAJC, (202)924-0891,



“我們在反亞裔仇視中看到了許多反華情緒,”亞裔推進正義協會——AAJC戰略計劃高級總監Marita Etcubañez表示,“新冠肺炎仇恨犯罪及仇恨事件不成比例地影響到在美華人。人們渴望學習有實踐意義的策略,從而能在目睹或者親身經歷騷擾的時候知道如何處理。我們對於我們提供的培訓感到榮幸。這些培訓可以教在美華裔非常重要的干預技巧。同時,我們提供粵語和普通話同聲傳譯也有助於那些偏好中文資源的人進行培訓。”



“我們將這項有用的、具有文化敏感性的培訓延伸到更多亞洲語言,是我們對亞裔的共同誠意的見證,也是一種殊榮,”Hollaback!高級培訓師Dax Valdes表示,“我們一直在尋找能讓亞裔羣體更方便參與培訓的方法,這樣我們才能跟更多的人建立聯繫。這些人可能在想,在菜市場或者公共交通上看到別人被騷擾時,應該怎麼做。我們用亞洲語言進行培訓,恰恰是從社區的角度來滿足社區的需求。”
