2017 Annual Report from Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC

Download our 2017 annual report

In 2017, Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC, welcomed a new president. The year saw repeated battles over immigration, voting rights, the 2020 Census, and racial justice as opinions polarized and directions diverged. Advancing Justice | AAJC and its partners sought to hold the line throughout 2017 as civil and human rights of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) were attacked repeatedly. Perhaps no area was more under assault than immigration. Advancing Justice | AAJC was on the front lines on Capitol Hill, in the streets, and in the media countering the xenophobic and anti-immigrant narrative portrayed by elements of the administration. We fought for a legislative solution for DREAMers, and defended the current legal immigration system that reunites families, protects refugees, and grants temporary protected status to immigrants from nations suffering natural disasters or humanitarian crises.

As we ended 2017, we will begin 2018—fully engaged and ready to ensure that our communities are visible, represented, and protected. 


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